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Chelation Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review

Dr. Tonya N. Davis, associate professor, published Chelation Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Vol. 7, p. 49-55, 2013, with co-author(s) Dr. Mark O'Reilly, University of Texas at Austin, Soyeon Kang, University of Texas at Austin, Russ Lang, Texas State University, Mandy Rispoli, Purdue University, Jeff Sigafoos, Victoria University at Wellington, Daelynn Copeland, Shanna Attai, and Austin Mulloy, Penn State University.


Reduction of Automatically Maintained Self-injurious Behavior Utilizing Noncontingent Matched Stimuli

Dr. Tonya N. Davis, associate professor, published Reduction of Automatically Maintained Self-injurious Behavior Utilizing Noncontingent Matched Stimuli in Developmental Neurorehabilitation, Vol. 16, p. 166-171, 2014, with co-author(s) Sharon Dacus, Erica Strickland, Wendy Machalicek, University of Oregon, and Laura Coviello.


Examination of Systematic Durations of Presession Reinforcer Access on Functional Communication Training

Dr. Tonya N. Davis, associate professor, published Examination of Systematic Durations of Presession Reinforcer Access on Functional Communication Training in Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, Vol. 26, p. 263-270, 2013, with co-author(s) Lisa Fuentes, and Shannon Durand.


Effects of a School-based Functional Analysis on Subsequent Classroom Behaviors

Tonya N. Davis, associate professor, published Effects of a School-based Functional Analysis on Subsequent Classroom Behaviors in Education and Treatment of Children, Vol. 37, p. 95-110, 2014, with co-author(s) Shannon Durand, Lisa Fuentes, Sharon Dacus, and Kara Huss.


A Review and Treatment Selection Model for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Who Engage in Inappropriate Sexual Behavior

Dr. Tonya N. Davis, associate professor, published A Review and Treatment Selection Model for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Who Engage in Inappropriate Sexual Behavior in Behavior Analysis in Practice, Vol. 9, p. 389-402, 2016, with co-author(s) Dr. Wendy Machalicek, University of Oregon, Dr. Rachel Scalzo, Alicia Kobylecky, doctoral student, Vincent Campbell, University of Oregon, Dr. Sarah Pinkelman, Utah State University, Dr. Jeff Chan, Northern Illinois University, and Dr. Jeff Sigafoos, Victoria University of Wellington.