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Are graphic novels always cool? Student and parent perspectives on elementary mathematics and science graphic novels: The need for action research by school leaders

Dr. Suzanne Nesmith, published "Are graphic novels always cool? Student and parent perspectives on elementary mathematics and science graphic novels: The need for action research by school leaders" in Planning and Changing, p. 228-245, 2016, with co-author(s) G. Schwarz, S. Cooper, and A. Atkinson.


Exploring educators’ environmental education attitudes and efficacy: Research to practice: Connecting engineering design and inquiry to the implementation of engineering design challenges in elementary classrooms

Dr. Suzanne Nesmith, published "Exploring educators' environmental education attitudes and efficacy: Insights gleaned from a Texas wetland academy" in International Journal of Science Education, January 1, 1970, with co-author(s) C. J. Wynveen, E. M. Dixon, B. W. Brooks, C. W. Matson, W. C. Hockaday, M. A. Schaum, and J. E. DeFillipo.


Connecting learning to the community: Pedagogical strategies for educators

Dr. Suzanne Nesmith, published "Connecting learning to the community: Pedagogical strategies for educators" in Toward Community-Based Learning chapter, p. 172-194, 2020, with co-author(s) L. Scott, K. LeCompte, and S. Johnsen.


Quest for Quality Exemplary Faculty Practice Award

Dr. Suzanne Nesmith, received Quest for Quality Exemplary Faculty Practice Award from CREATE (Center for Research, Evaluation and Advancement of Teacher Education), 2013.