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Regularizing threshold priors with sparse response patterns in Bayesian factor analysis with categorical indicators

Dr. Grant Morgan, professor, published Regularizing threshold priors with sparse response patterns in Bayesian factor analysis with categorical indicators in Psychological Methods, May 1, 2024, with co-author(s) Dr. R. Noah Padgett, Harvard University, and Tim Lomas, Harvard University.


Identity Excellence: A Theory of Moral Expertise for Higher Education,

Dr. Perry L Glanzer, professor, published Identity Excellence: A Theory of Moral Expertise for Higher Education,, 08/18/2022.


The Dismantling of Moral Education: How Higher Education Reduced the Human Identity

Dr. Perry L Glanzer, professor, published The Dismantling of Moral Education: How Higher Education Reduced the Human Identity, February 9, 2022.


Identity in Action: Christian Excellence in All of Life

Dr. Perry L Glanzer, professor, published Identity in Action: Christian Excellence in All of Life, September 8, 2021.


Increasing Post-Secondary Education (PSE) Readiness for At-Risk Students and Students with Disabilities

Dr. Terrill F. Saxon, professor, published Increasing post-secondary education (PSE) readiness for at-risk students and students with disabilities in Research and Practice in the Schools, Vol. 6, Issue 1, p. 11-26, 10/17/2019, with co-author(s) Dr. Robin Wilson, and Dr. Tamara Hodges, senior lecturer.


Doctoral Degree Attainment from Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program Alumni: An Explanatory Embedded Case Study

Dr. Terrill F. Saxon, professor, published Doctoral degree attainment from Ronald E. McNair scholars program alumni: An explanatory embedded case study in Educational Policy, 10/17/2021, with co-author(s) Dr. Rachel Renbarger, Western Michigan Univ., and Dr. Tony Talbert, professor.


Generating nonnormal distributions via Gaussian mixture models

Dr. Grant B. Morgan, associate professor, published Generating nonnormal distributions via Gaussian mixture models in Structural Equation Modeling, Vol. 27, Issue 6, p. 974-974, June 1, 2020.


Positive Youth Development: An Experimental Trial with Unattached Adolescents

Dr. Terrill Saxon, professor, published Positive youth development: an experimental trial with unattached adolescents in Journal of Adolescence, Vol. 67, p. 85-97, 10/20/2022, with co-author(s) Dr. Darrell Hull, University of North Texas.


The Outrageous Idea of Christian Teaching

Dr. Perry L. Glanzer, professor of social foundations, published The Outrageous Idea of Christian Teaching, 08/20/2019, with co-author(s) Dr. Nathan Alleman, associate professor, Baylor University.


Restoring the Soul of the University: Unifying Christian Higher Education in a Fragmented Age

Dr. Perry L Glanzer, professor, published Restoring the Soul of the University: Unifying Christian Higher Education in a Fragmented Age, March 10, 2017, with co-author(s) Dr. Nathan F Alleman, associate professor, and Dr. Todd C Ream, professor, Taylor University.


Survey Scales: A Guide to Development, Analysis, and Reporting (2016), Johnson & Morgan

Dr. Grant B. Morgan, associate professor, published "Survey Scales: A Guide to Development, Analysis, and Reporting", August 1, 2016, with co-author(s) Dr. Robert L. Johnson, University of South Carolina.


Mixed Mode Latent Class Analysis: An Examination of Fit Index Performance for Classification (2015)

Dr. Grant B. Morgan, associate professor, published "Mixed Mode Latent Class Analysis: An Examination of Fit Index Performance for Classification" in Structural Equation Modeling, Vol. 22, p. 76-86, January 10, 2015.


A Comparison of Diagonal Weighted Least Squares Robust Estimation Techniques for Ordinal Data (2014)

Dr. Grant B. Morgan, associate professor, published "A Comparison of Diagonal Weighted Least Squares Robust Estimation Techniques for Ordinal Data" in Structural Equation Modeling, Vol. 21, Issue 3, p. 424-438, October 28, 2014, with co-author(s) Dr. Christine DiStefano, University of South Carolina.


Two sides of the (un)comfortability coin: Time to fidget and testimonial smothering in a diversity course for preservice teachers.

Dr. Tony L. Talbert, professor of qualitative research and social-cultural studies, published Two sides of the (un)comfortability coin: Time to fidget and testimonial smothering in a diversity course for preservice teachers. in Journal of Social Studies and History Education, Vol. 7, Issue 1, p. 30-42, 10/02/2023, with co-author(s) Liz Harrelson-Magill, ph.d. student, Camille Talbert, ph.d. student, and Toyosi Stephen Adedara, ph.d. student.


Ethnomodeling: Extending Mathematical Modeling Research in Teacher Education

Dr. Trena L. Wilkerson, professor of mathematics education, published Ethnomodeling: Extending Mathematical Modeling Research in Teacher Education in Investigations in Mathematics Learning, Vol. 14, Issue 4, p. 305-319, January 1, 1970, with co-author(s) Dr. Siddhi Desai, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Farshid Safi, University of Central Florida, Sarah Bush, University of Central Florida, Janet Andreasen, University of Central Florida, and Daniel Orey, University of Central Florida.


The Examination of a Vignette Activity Sequence in a Secondary Mathematics Methods Course

Dr. Trena L. Wilkerson, professor of mathematics education, published The Examination of a Vignette Activity Sequence in a Secondary Mathematics Methods Course in School Science Mathematics Journal, Vol. 121, Issue 1, p. 2-12, 2021, with co-author(s) Dr. Ryann Shelton, lecturer, and Keith Kerschen, Concordia Nebraska.


Development and Validation of the Algebra Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Instrument: Assessment of Algebra Teachers’ Knowledge and Personal Teaching Efficacy

Trena L. Wilkerson, professor of mathematics education, published Development and Validation of the Algebra Teachers' Self-Efficacy Instrument: Assessment of Algebra Teachers' Knowledge and Personal Teaching Efficacy in School Science Mathematics Journal, Vol. 118, Issue 6, p. 206-217, January 1, 1970, with co-author(s) Dr. Colleen Eddy, University of North Texas, Sarah Quebec-Fuentes, Texas Christian University, Alejandra Sorto, Texas State University, Dittika Gupta, Midwestern State University, Elizabeth Ward, Texas Wesleyan University, William Jasper, Sam Houston State University, Yolanda Parker, Tarrant County College, Winifred Mallam, Texas Woman's University, Sandi Cooper, professor of mathematics education, and Keith Kerschen, Concordia Nebraska.


Equity Within Mathematics Education Research as a Political Act: Moving From Choice To Intentional Collective Professional Responsibility

Dr. Trena L. Wilkerson, professor of mathematics education, published Equity Within Mathematics Education Research as a Political Act: Moving From Choice To Intentional Collective Professional Responsibility in Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Vol. 48, Issue 2, p. 124-147, 2017, with co-author(s) Dr. Julia Aguirre, University of Washington Tacoma, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Michigan State University, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, University of New Mexico, Marta Civil, University of Arizona, Michelle Stephan, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, Stephen Pape, Johns Hopkins University, and Douglas H. Clements, University of Denver.


Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of a Practice-Focused Lesson Study

Dr. Trena L. Wilkerson, professor of mathematics education, published Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of a Practice-Focused Lesson Study in International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, Vol. 12, Issue 3, p. 214-225, 2023, with co-author(s) Dr. Ryann Shelton, lecturer, and Rachelle Rogers, clinical professor.


Founder’s Lecture: Current Research Trends in Mathematics Learning That Guide Us for the Future

Dr. Trena L. Wilkerson, professor of mathematics education, published Founder’s Lecture: Current Research Trends in Mathematics Learning That Guide Us for the Future in Investigations in Mathematics Learning, Vol. 14, Issue 4, p. 251-264, 2022.